Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Bartholomew Griffin Fidessa Sonnet XXXI

Bartholomew Griffin's "Fidessa" sonnets are basically in Shakespearean form, using the scheme ABAB·CDCD·EFEF·GG

Bartholomew Griffin's "Fidessa" sonnet XXXI

TONGUE neuer cease to sing Fidessaes praise,
     Heart (how euer she deserue) conceaue the best:
Eyes stand amaz'd to see her beauties raies,
     Lippes steal one kisse and be for euer blest.

Hands touch that hand wherein your life is closed,
     Brest locke vp fast in thee thy lyues sole treasure,
Armes still imbrace and neuer be disclosed,
     Feete runne to her without or pace or measure,

Tongue, hart, eyes, lipps, hands, brest, armes, feete,
     Consent to doe true homage to your Queene:
Louelie, faire, gentle, wise, vertuous, sober, sweete,
     Whose like shall neuer be; hath neuer beene,

Oh that I were all tongue her praise to show,
Then surelie my poore hart were freed from woe.


A blazon!
Body part Associated Purpose of Body part
TONGUE Sing praise
Heart Conceive the best
Eyes Beautiful rays
Lips Kiss forever
Hands Touch
Breast To lock up life's treasure
Armes To embrace forever
Feete To run without pace or measure


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